Altar for the Numerological Sequestrator
Title: Altar for the Numerological Sequestrator

Artist: Paula Flores

Year: 2020

Material: Mycelium, mussel shells, wood, acrylic paint, wax and candles

Dimensions: Painting 103 x 139 cm

Exhibited at: Improper Walls

Credits: Paula Flores


Altar for the numerological sequestrator is a shrine for different organisms that sequester CO₂ at different quantities and rates. Some are more efficient than others. Some produce or consume more than what their body can sequester.

Now that there is a rush and a market to sequester CO₂, organisms are given a value worth for the CO₂ sequestration capacity.
The risk with this is that organisms become more or less valuable depending on how much they can serve us and serve our needs for the manipulation of the environment.

Photo credits: Niko Havranek